Latest News & Events

The purpose of this section is to provide a guide to CR&DALL events and activities and to provide information on these and on events and issues relevant to the field of lifelong learning and adult and continuing education in general. This latter service is provided to assist exchange of information and discussion of issues amongst colleagues in the field; it does not purport to be an exhaustive reference to the canon. Please note also that CR&DALL cannot be responsible for the accuracy of information provided to us by outside bodies. Further information about the event or activity should be sought from the contacts given in that section as this is likely to be the sum total of information provided to us.
Thursday, 14 December, 2023 - 04:55

The conference took place in the Gustav Stresemann Institute in Bonn on 11 and 12 December 2023, organized by the German Rectors´ Conference. It is part of the project  MODUS – Enhancing student mobility across educational boundaries through recognition.

Thursday, 14 December, 2023 - 14:00 to 17:00

MELLearN-Hungarian Universities LLL Network, EBSN Erasmus+ PDS4BST project and EPALE Hungary cordially invite you to attend a special Zoom-supported hybrid event on Thursday, 14 December 2023 on trends and issues of basic skills development in the context of professional development of basic skills teachers and facilitators.

Monday, 27 May, 2024 to Friday, 31 May, 2024

We're thrilled to launch Global Lifelong Learning Week 2024 from the 27th to the 31st of May 2024. This week-long global event will host the ASEM LLL Hub Conference from Monday 27th to Wednesday 29th, followed by the 54th annual eucen (European University Continuing Education Network) Conference from Wednesday 29th to Friday 31st. This week will be an exciting opportunity for researchers, policymakers, educators and stakeholders from Asia, Europe and beyond to gather, network, share insights and discuss opportunities for collaboration.

Wednesday, 13 December, 2023 - 11:00 to 12:30

The value of higher education (HE) is in question (Dollinger, 2018).  The rigid and archaic structure of the system is outdated, and so too is the tenure process (Stromquist, 2017). Adjunct faculty are the majority (American Association of University Professors, 2018), yet their needs are not prioritized (Bickerstaff & Chavarin, 2018).

Tuesday, 5 December, 2023 - 14:30

We are happy to announce the opening of the call for papers for a panel “Adult learning and education for a socially just society: appraising policy and practice” hosted within the 3rd Scuola Democratica Conference to be held in Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy) in June 3-4-5-6, 2024. The purpose of this panel is to encourage debate and progress on researching how adult education policy and learning practices at local, national and international levels contribute to, or hamper, the development of a more socially just society.
