Learning from the past for the future: Signposts and landmark anniversaries in adult learning and education


We are pleased to inform subscribers that our article "Learning from the past for the future: Signposts and landmark anniversaries in adult learning and education" has been published online in the International Review of Education. This article which Maria Slowey, Khau Phuoc and I have written is an an Introduction to the International Reseach in Education Special Issue on ALE Signposts, and was started with the late Chris Duke some time ago.

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Editors Note: Both Heribert Hinzen and Maria Slowey are honorary professors with the School of Education at the University of Glasgow, a position also formerly held by the late Chris Duke. Khau Huu Phuoc is Research and Training Manager at the SEAMEO Regional Centre on Lifelong Learning (SEAMEO CELLL) Vietnam


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